DIXOR is a management consulting firm with a small and experienced team of consultants. We have worked for extended periods of time as permanent employees in different companies, and in roles spanning from company management to project management leading smaller projects at department level. We bring this experience when working with our customers. We create momentum and work together with you in your business, implement changes or execute tasks until you are ready to continue the business without us. We want to make ourselves dispensable.
In a deal with DIXOR you can engage an interim consultant, get a work package done or fill a time limited resource gap when you need a couple of extra hands. The combination is also possible!
We work with assignments where we can significantly contribute and help our customers to elevate their business to a new level, and we only say yes to an assignment when we believe that our help can have a real effect.
Interim Consulting
We offer support by stepping in when a key person is temporarily absent, or you need help while you are recruiting to fill the role.
Managing Change
We create long lasting improvements through guidance and efficiently managing change.
Resource Support
Sometimes the pressure builds up and you need a pair of extra hands for a limited period of time – we can help you out.
Business Model
DIXOR applies the classic principle used in larger management consulting firms. Our customers benefit from having access to highly experienced consultants when needed, while less complex tasks can be done by non-senior consultants to ensure cost efficiency. In short, our customers always get the job done by the best suited DIXOR co-worker.
Interim Consulting
- Pay according to the competence required – not all tasks require long experience.
- Get access to a extensive experience – from a variety of business areas.
- Increase your interim manager’s bandwidth – more capacity when unplanned work peaks occur.
Work Packages
- Bring in a Task Force – get a highly efficient team that takes on the challenge.
- Right competence for the task – get the job done by consultants with adequate competence and at the right price.
- Access to broad experience from different businesses and industries – ensures innovative solutions.